Friday, September 26, 2014

Did you ever wonder what the big moment would be like? I think every body does... I know that I have. I have pictured it so many time that every time it changes. There is never a face on the man, but I can tell that he loves me, there isn't always flowers, sometimes it is on the beach, and others it is on a gorgeous bed. Even though the fantasy isn't always the same, there is one constant in this dream of mine, there is love...
I told someone the other day that I was a virgin. Yup I spilled the beans. The reaction I got surprised me, I wasn't expecting congratulating slaps on the back or high fives, but I was completely taken back by the look of concern, and pity that I was given! When I shared my news, the way that I was treated went in a completely different direction! No longer did they joke with me about sexual manners, I was left out of the "juicy" conversations. I was treated like a child. It was as if my virginal status equaled my adulthood to be questioned or even completely disregarded!
I grew up with examples of lasting relationships everywhere I looked! Bedtimes stories, told of how two people meet and fall in love then live Happily Ever After. After I out grew those, there the couples in my favorite movies, Dawson and Joey? Their love never ended!
I will always remember when watching Veronica Mars I heard Logan tell Veronica that their love was epic. The kind to spanning years and continents. Blood shed. Lives ruined. Epic... That was ingrained into my very heart... And when Veronica asked if it should be that hard he answers, "Nobody writes songs about the ones that come easy."
I have waited for my epic story, for  a love that lasts, that can withstand bloodshed and lives ruined ... I have waited to be swept off my feet by a man that believes in that too. I know that not everyone I meet who learns my little secret will be understanding...heck I have already experienced every reaction but the one I crave...Acceptance.  I am sure that more dates will be ruined by this little tidbit, of information.
But I will wait, it doesn't matter how long... Because I deserve an epic love... The kind that spans years and continents...